Obtain the expectations (results desired) for the coaching engagement as expressed by the senior executive requesting services. |
Establish credibility, trust and open communication with the executive client. |
Identify strengths, areas for development, operating style, level of knowledge, temperament and leadership capacity of the client. |
Understand the company's organizational culture, demands, structure and operating styles of other executives. |
Define, prioritize and agree upon areas of leadership development that fall within scope of the engagement. |
Develop a plan with the client to acquire knowledge, skills and experience to grow leadership performance in each of the agreed upon areas. |
Based on the strengths of the executive and his/her operating style and value system, partner to define a leadership philosophy that is unique to their need for self-expression (a signature style), effective with prevailing business conditions and acceptable to the culture and needs of the company. |
Coach the client to acquire and apply alternative leadership methods to existing or future situations, debriefing, measuring response, modifying application where necessary and reinforcing positive change. |
Provide client with consistent opportunities to practice newly acquired knowledge in a live work environment, requesting cooperation from the client's superior for support, when feasible, to reinforce positive change of client's leadership behavior. |
Provide feedback to client's superior on executive coaching progress as needed. |