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Estimating the time to identify and secure your next ideal career opportunity
22 Factors That Will Impact the Speed & Quality of Your Career Transition
Twenty-two factors will have an impact on the time it will take you to find your next job, with powerful implications on the quality of the assignment you ultimately accept. Take this short quiz to establish your "time to next job." Simply place a check next to each factor indicating your self evaluated capacity. If it is a strength, it is in the plus "+" column. If it is not a strength, it is in the minus "-" column. A plus mark in each of the 22 factors indicates that your job search will take three months or less. For each minus "-", add one month.
This quiz will help you establish realistic expectations for your job search. The 22 factors are ranked from most important impact on your search in descending order of consequence. If your score indicates you have a long road ahead of you, don't panic. The good news is you can change a minus to a plus by developing your skills or capacity in that factor.
Executives taking this quiz will note that Communication, Network (size and ability) and Professional Reputation rank in the top five factors along with Experience and Technical Competence. Experienced and technically qualified executives are often rejected for jobs. Your ability to present during an interview in an organized, influencing and compelling manner is absolutely essential.
Plus (+) Minus (-)

______ ______
Communication Skills

______ ______

______ ______
Network Savvy

______ ______
Professional Reputation

______ ______
Technical Competence

______ ______
Degree of Specialization vs. Career Diversity

______ ______
Attitude (optimistic vs. pessimistic)

______ ______
Job Search Savvy

______ ______
Access to Data/Resources

______ ______
Energy Level and Time Commitment

______ ______
Size of Market

______ ______
Emotional State (anger, depression vs. confidence, self-assuredness)

______ ______
Compensation (market acceptable vs. above market)

______ ______
Age (very senior executives may experience job market resistance)

______ ______
Degree of Career Change You Are Attempting (no change is a plus, significant change is a minus)

______ ______
Social Boldness/Assertiveness

______ ______
References (positive +, negative - )

______ ______
Desire/Commitment/Dedication to Achieve

______ ______
Tenacity/Psychological Tolerance

______ ______
State of Economy (candidate supply vs. demand)

______ ______
State of Industry You Are Targeting

______ ______
Organization/Planning Skills